Fun in the Sun – Safety during Summer Activities
Summer is in full swing, which means lots of trips to the pool, park, and beach! You’ll be making some of the best memories of your life during these summer months, but are you prepared for the risks that come along with this for your kids? We often talk about the good old days when we could ride our bikes around our neighborhood and be gone until sun down with no worries. We were up and at ‘em bright and early and explored the whole town with our friends until we saw the sun setting in the evening sky. Pick up baseball in the field, belly flops into the pool, and hanging upside down at the park – that was our summer.
Unfortunately, long gone are those days for our children now. We must take extreme precautions, now more than ever, to ensure our kids’ safety during these restless summer days. With cell phones and television as the main source of entertainment, we must proactively guarantee our children stay active in the outdoors but safe, as well.
How do we do that?
Provide Supervised Freedom
Studies have shown that children who are free to experience mistakes, and even some injuries, on their own do better later on in life. We cannot suffocate our children by constantly hovering and having them avoid important life lessons. On the flip side, though, it is our duty to protect these little ones entrusted to us. As a good middle ground, allow them to play in the backyard while you’re watching through the window. At the park, let them run around and make friends without you being a referee, but also have one eye on them at all times. Children need to feel a sense of freedom and independence in order to grow and mature, but always be there ready to step in when necessary.
Join in the Fun
Although independence is critical, so is time together. At busy public places such as ballparks, community pools, theme parks, and beaches, you should always stay side by side with them. These are target areas for any potential wrongdoers to your children, as all it takes is a blink or a glance away for them to snatch your child right up. So instead of depriving your kids of the fun to be had at these places, just jump right in with them. Ride the rollercoasters and jump in the waves - after all, you have that legendary belly flop to impress the younger generation! Remember, though, that bathrooms are especially dangerous at these locations, so always accompany your kids, no matter how old they are.
Trust Your Gut
It may not be scientifically proven, but there is no denying the power of the parental gut instinct. If your kid is asking you to go somewhere and it just doesn’t sit right, don’t trust it. If you sense there is just something off about the parent who’s offering your child a ride, you’re probably right. If those clouds off in the distant make your stomach turn, then get them out of the pool and into the house. Despite having limitless technology, communication, and information at our fingertips, sometimes the best decision just comes right down to what your gut says. Go with it.
Now, once you are indoors, if you want to discuss further steps to take to guarantee a fun and safe home environment for those rainy days and summer nights, please give us a call at Watch Guard today!